Ex installation - a practical course

The course gives you training in the correct installation technique for various Ex-nipples and equipment in accordance with relevant regulations and standards, so that you can perform work in Ex-areas in a safe and professional way.

Uke 48
25. nov. 2024
09:00 - 16:00
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This course provides an introduction and practical training in installing cable nipples for Ex e and Ex d, cable glands, breathable cable glands, blind plugs and terminal plugs.


Electricians, technicians, engineers and electrician apprentices.

Kurset inneholder disse emnene

  • The structure of various typical Ex nipples and glands.
  • Requirements regarding norms for separation and markings (IS and NON IS).
  • Curve radius for cables and selecting the correct clamp.
  • Bundling cables to meet applicable norms.
  • Terminations cf. Ex t protection enclosures and the number of terminal blocks.
  • Torque.
  • Sheath strippers, termination sleeves and heat-shrinkable tubing.
  • Packing MCT for cable glands.

Practical exercises use panels giving particular attention to using the correct tools and techniques for de-sheathing cables and installing nipples and termination sleeves. Practical exercises in laying cables and MCT cable entry.


NEK EN IEC 60079-14 Annex A pt.3.3 sets requirements on the documentation of practical competence for operators and technicians who install Ex equipment.


Course requirements: Course participants must have completed the Ex Basic course.

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